Crypto billing system, Monitoring transactions and derrive addresses in Rust for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana and Polkadot

Crypto billing system, Monitoring transactions and derrive addresses in Rust for Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana and Polkadot

Intro Great weekend for great research followup. This article is about how to implement billing system different crypto currencies using Rust pogramming language. Before getting deeper into the details of implementation o would like to define what is standing under the term “billing system” for crypto currencies. Crypto Billing system is a software that us used to organize crypto payments in your organization. It is designed to create derevative addresses (one time payment addresses) and monitor incoming transactions executing business logic for your organization. Typically the scenario could be the following: ...

December 2, 2022 · 9 min · Vadzim Belski
Solana SPL tokens

Solana SPL tokens

Intro I was interested how Solana blockchain is structured. Basically how to create own ERC20 and ERC721 token analog in Solana. My findings show that Solana provides ready to use implementation for Fingible and Nonfingible tokens. Comparing to Ethereum and other blockchain platforms, Solana is more flexible and has more features. Smart Contracts are also available in Solana. I will try to cover all the features of Solana. Solana Programs Smart Contracts in Solana called as Programs. Programs are usually written on C++ or Rust prograaming languages. I will focus on Rust programming language because i want myself to dive deep into Rust language. There not much difference in terms of how Smart contracs deployed on Solana and Ethereum, you will get similair use eperience using platfom tools for deployment on both blockchain networks. However, there are some differences in how programs are written. ...

June 30, 2022 · 8 min · Vadzim Belski