The Dining Philosophers Problem
Intro I would like to share classical problem with philosophers. This classic problem shows the various elements of parallelism. The complexity of the implementation of the task lies in the fact that a simple implementation can go into a hopeless state. The problem is defined like this: In ancient times, wealthy philanthropists invited five eminent philosophers to visit. Each of them was given a room in which they could engage in their professional activity—thinking. There was also a common dining room, where there was a large round table, and five chairs around it. Each chair had a plaque with the name of the philosopher who was supposed to sit on it. To the left of each philosopher was a golden fork, and in the center of the table was a large bowl of spaghetti, which was constantly replenished. As befits philosophers, they spent most of their time in thought. But one day they felt hungry and went to the dining room. Everyone sat down on their chair, took a fork and stuck it into the bowl of spaghetti. But the nature of tangled spaghetti is such that a second fork is needed to push the spaghetti into the mouth. That is, the philosopher also needed a fork to his right. The philosophers put down their forks and got up from the table, continuing to think. After all, the fork can only be used by one philosopher at a time. If another philosopher wants to take it, then he will have to wait until she is released. ...